wind rose造句

"wind rose"是什么意思   


  1. About midnight a wind rose .
  2. These wind roses show the probability of occurence of wind speeds for sixteen compass points .
  3. As he rambled on, about himself, his past life, the wind rose up against the cottage like the prodding of a giant hand .
  4. The morning wind rising from the sea freshened him up
  5. Wind rose at waglan island
  6. It's difficult to find wind rose in a sentence. 用wind rose造句挺难的
  7. The wind rises electric
  8. As the wind rose to eighty miles an hour , tree after tree crashed down
  9. The wind rose , enlivening , keen , and in a blaze of well - being he came to the flat of tanis judique
  10. Meanwhile , the sky grew black with clouds , the wind rose , a heavy rain came on and ahab rode off to jezreel
  11. He felt all the lonelier because clouds sometimes hid the stars from his sight and the wind rose and fluttered his cloak
  12. But , sir , as it grew dark , the wind rose : it blew yesterday evening , not as it blows now - wild and high - but " with a sullen , moaning sound " far more eerie
    可是,先生,天越来越黑,风也越来越大了。昨天的风不像现在的这样刮得强劲肆虐,而是响着“沉闷的低吟声, ,显得分外古怪。
  13. In 210 bc , when qinshihuang was passing by qiantang present - day hangzhou on his way to huiji present - day shaoxing to offer sacrifices and libations to king yu , the wind rose and the waves in the qiantang river surged so violently that he had no alternative but to have his ship tethered to a rock at the foot of the baoshi mountain south of the west lake
    谁都不能把她全部捉摸透,即使这位被后人誉为“西湖知音”的大文豪,也只能代用一个绝妙的比喻,把西湖的美概括出来: “欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜” 。即是说西湖像西施一样。在任何状态下都是美的。
  14. While i sat thus , i found the air over - cast , and grow cloudy , as if it would rain ; soon after that the wind rose by little and little , so that , in less than half an hour , it blew a most dreadful hurricane : the sea was all on a sudden cover d over with foam and froth , the shore was cover d with the breach of the water , the trees were torn up by the roots , and a terrible storm it was ; and this held about three hours , and then began to abate , and in two hours more it was stark calm , and began to rain very hard


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